Minor classroom changes with major impact
A recent study showed classroom design can impact learning by 25%. Sound, furniture and basic layout of the classroom all have an effect on students. The Collierville Education Foundation supports these statistics by providing teachers with supplementary materials to upgrade their classrooms. This past grant cycle, enrichment classes like band and physical education received exciting updates, thanks to teacher grant applications. Learn about how these simple upgrades are making a major improvement in the education of Collierville students.
Band projection system
Over 250 students learn to play instruments in the West Collierville Middle School band room each day. Teacher Susan Spain noticed the shape of the room affected her students’ ability to see the board depending upon where they sat. She researched ideas that would better her students’ education and found the perfect solution: installing a 17-foot projector. CEF was thrilled to help Susan and her class with this request, and now every student can see the board unobstructed! As the band grows each year, this improvement will benefit students for the next decade to come.
P.E. audio equipment
In a large gym, it can be hard to capture the attention of each student. At Crosswind Elementary, P.E. instructors strained their voices so each student could hear them. At the end of the day, their voices were gone. To combat this problem, they decided to ask CEF for a new audio system in the gym, including microphones. With the new equipment, students get the full experience of a P.E. lesson without missing any instructions, and teachers' voices remain intact. Not only does this new equipment benefit the P.E. classes, it helps the whole school. Pep rallies, award ceremonies and other special events are now a breeze, thanks to the top-of-the-line materials.
Classroom seating
Group work is important in the classroom, especially in elementary school, but it can sometimes be a challenge with bulky desks and furniture in the way. Christy Yearwood, a fifth-grade math teacher at Crosswind Elementary, developed a new way to transition groups during intervention. New stackable chairs save her class time and energy, unlike the past practice of dragging chairs and supplies into the hallway. The stackable chairs, gifted by CEF, create a more efficient and effective class period for students. Each group gets a chance to work with their teacher in a small group, which prevents kids from falling behind.
While lessons are important, an updated classroom is also beneficial for the education of students. To increase the learning experience in your classroom, consider applying for a grant. CEF’s goal is to fund every eligible teacher grant, so keep an eye out for applications in the fall!
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